
April 19, 2018

I will be transparent and be straightforward

Is a new era. I will be transparent and be straightforward with the media and the fans to explain the exact situation in FAM. I am […]
April 19, 2018

Meghan Ann Abbey

Meghan Ann Abbey, Andrea Elizabeth Aguayo, Robert D. Augustine, Morgan Leigh Ainbinder, Kaitlin Emily Allen, Nuvia Alvarez, Kevin Hays Appleby, George Frank Aquila, Jared Mason Ashcraft, […]
April 19, 2018

You then spend the rest of the cycle ride

You then spend the rest of the cycle ride trying not to touch the bars with your grimy hands. Initially you’ll religiously clean the tape after […]
April 19, 2018

They talked to Butler

They talked to Butler through the door and convinced him to allow Mrs. Jordan to enter. He open ed the door, then got back into bed […]